Projects / Archive / IED Growth Plan 2009

IED Growth Plan 2009


IED Madrid found it necessary to create a growth plan for itself that would drive it as an innovative educational platform. For this, each one of the areas of the institute had to be restructured or rethought, evaluating its projected growth, strategies, and particular needs. This action plan had to position the Madrid branch as the pioneer of the IED Network for innovation and development. 

· The strategy was presented to the members of the IED group
· Presentation of "Model IV," a model for the structural evolution of IED Madrid.

· Co-worked with Director Riccardo Marzullo and the strategic project team to analyze the situation and projection of the branch. 
· Definition of the needs and interactions of each area.
· Development of 13 chapters describing each area.
· Presentation

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a network of educational institutes focusing on creativity and design. Its headquarters is based in Milan, and they also have branches in Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Sao Paolo. More than 8,000 new students enroll each year from up to 82 countries.


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European Design Labs