Projects / Archive / EDL

European Design Labs

Visual Communication MA Tutor

In 2007, the Istituto Europeo di Design implemented the first edition of the European Design Labs Master, in which students gauged the pulse of the design panorama in Europe through one-week trips to European capitals. 

David Vásquez worked during this academic program as the graphic design tutor that drew together different creative visions with the participation of some of the best professionals from all over Europe in the design field. The students developed fresh design approaches within an open-ended creative process that led to a rich repertoire of design solutions. For this Master's, David also developed a guide for students and a website to facilitate internal communications. 


The trips allowed participants to enrich their perspective and level of specialization. They were conceived as another educational experience, essential for students to create a map of European trends and structure their thoughts as international designers.

Visited countries: Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, France, UK, Portugal, Spain, Germany


The workshops were a very intensive creative experience, directed by a European designer of renowned prestige who explores, along with the students, topics, strategies, and specific aspects of design throughout the week.

Some of the workshop professionals included:
Irma Boom, Sigridur Heimisdottir-IKEA, El último grito, Jaime Hayón, Jorge Moreno, Ricardo Salas, Laura Meseguer, Fernando Gutiérrez, Bernard Bréchet, Nicola Swartz, Boisbuchet, Gala Fernández, Fabrica Benetton , Sam Baron, Valérie Debure.

Click image to expand


Given the multidisciplinary nature of the Master's, the program included a series of cultural and technical seminars that provided students with conceptual, practical, and specialized language tools in design. The seminars offered students technological and cultural knowledge throughout the entire year. They dealt with essential topics in a project's development, representation, and communication.

Some of the seminars included thinkers like:
Ezio Manzini, Mark Augé, Francisco Jarauta, Renzo di Renzo

Master’s Director: Gala Fernández
Graphic Thesis Director: Raquel Pelta

Download the European Design Student Handbook (PDF)  
Download Labs 07 Book (PDF)

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a network of educational institutes focusing on creativity and design. Its headquarters is based in Milan, and they also have branches in Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Sao Paolo. More than 8,000 new students enroll each year from up to 82 countries.


IED Growth Plan


IMDI Awards