Projects / Archive / IED Design Net

IED Design Net

Research, Strategy and Design

Global, collaborative, dynamic, creative, and committed to improving the quality of life in cities. IEDDesignNet was a platform that sought a new way of involving design in future transformations. IEDDesignNet made possible the meeting of institutions, professionals, universities, users, academics, and businesses to channel the views and reflections of participants from all parts of the globe to a new way of acting and thinking through research, creation, and development of processes from Madrid to build a scenario that includes everyone.

The first edition MadridDesigNet was held during May 17–21, 2010, and took place in Madrid, with the participation of 1,000 students from 17 different cities and over 50 nationalities.


IEDDesignNet had over 2,000 creatives from all over the world who think about the future of cities, constructing new ideas through dialogue and collaboration between different disciplines.


IEDDesignNet implemented IED Toolkit, a tool that structures creative processes in a way that guarantees concrete results. A method folder that stimulates the development of innovation processes.


As a result, MadridDesignNet was presented at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, “Better City, Better Life,” as a Best Urban Practice of Madrid.

The second year was in Mexico under the theme “Experience the City,” an initiative that sought to transform the situations that influenced how we perceive and experience the city by improving the quality of the experiences of citizens through the humanizing of the processes, seeking a balance between the emotional needs of the individual and good management of existing resources.


− 18 months were spent creating strategies for the development and projection of the platform.
− Research, outline, and creation of processes for the project.
− Design and approach of the methodological tools, IED Toolkit.

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a network of educational institutes focusing on creativity and design. Its headquarters is based in Milan, and they also have branches in Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Sao Paolo. More than 8,000 new students enroll each year from up to 82 countries.




Mexico Design Net