Projects / Archive / MadridDesignNet


Strategic Support

MadridDesignNet comprised a creative community, a technological application (, and the development of a tool to stimulate creative processes (IED ToolKit).

It intended to create an innovative and socially committed platform that stimulated ideas and visions. Its main objective was to become a laboratory of ideas for improving citizens’ quality of life. It conceived a new sense of what is local using global as a reference point, where new social sensitivities demanded unique physical, social and cultural resources be evaluated.

This initiative was the driving force behind different actions, interconnecting through an assortment of other actors in various cities worldwide. It proposed a particular meeting space that traced a world map of design trends and significant innovations aimed at experimentation and innovation.

For the first edition, IED Madrid relied on the support of the “Office of International Strategy and Action for a Global Madrid, of the City Council of Madrid,” with whom IED shared objectives and impetus for action.

Ignacio Niño Presenting Madrid Design Net Commissioner general and director of the Madrid´s Pavilion.

Riccardo Marzullo Presentation Design

IED Madrid, institutional partner of the Madrid Pavilion at the Expo 2010 Shanghai, China, showcased MadridDesignNet on October 11. Madrid’s program of activities, which ran from October 9 to 17, included exhibitions at both the Bamboo House and the Air Tree and the workshop Me and my City, intended for Chinese students from Doghua University. The MadridDesignNet program also included the Innovation and Technology in Developing the Cities of Tomorrow conference held on October 13 at the Tongji University of Shanghai.

- As a result, the project was presented at the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, “Better City, Better Life,” as a Best Urban Practice of Madrid.
- Over 1,000 proposals were created on how to improve urban life within the City.


In that edition, the workshops were developed in a simultaneous and coordinated way with IED Madrid, from universities and institutions in the following cities:

Barcelona, Spain
Bogotá, Colombia
México City, México
Dalian, China
Lima, Perú
London, United Kingdom
Madrid, Spain
Malmö, Switzerland
Milán, Italy
Moscow, Russia
Querétaro, México
Rome, Italy
Santiago, Chile
São Paulo, Brazil
Shanghái, China
Turin, Italy
Jakarta, Indonesia

Universities and Institutions:

More than 20 universities from three continents participated actively in MadridDesignNet while the workshops were carried out in multiple cities.

Istituto Europeo di Design, Barcelona, Spain
Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Bogotá, Colombia
Universidad Anáuhac, México City, México
Dalian Polythecnic University, Dalian, China
Corriente Alterna, Lima, Perú
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, London, United Kingdom
Istituto Europeo di Design, Madrid, Spain
IKDC Lund University, Malmo, Switzerland
Istituto Europeo di Design, Milan, Italy
British Higher School of Art and Design, Moscow, Russia
Universidad del Pacífico, Santiago, Chile
Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Querétaro, México
Istituto Europeo di Design, Rome, Italy
Istituto Europeo di Design, São Paulo, Brasil
College of Design & Innovation, Tongji University, Shanghái, China
Istituto Europeo di Design, Turin, Italy
Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta, Indonesia


− 18 months were spent creating strategies for the development and projection of the platform.
− Research, outline, and creation of processes for the project.
− Design and approach of the methodological tool, IED Toolkit.
− Workshop Me and my City.

Videos by: IED Media Lab. Aitor Uribari

The Istituto Europeo di Design is a network of educational institutes focusing on creativity and design. Its headquarters is based in Milan, and they also have branches in Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Cagliari, Madrid, Barcelona, and Sao Paolo. More than 8,000 new students enroll each year from up to 82 countries.


IED ToolKit


IED Design Net