A game that helps you reflect, meditate and plan the next steps in your life.

Projects / Archive / Reflexion Chess

Reflexion Chess

Imagine if a game (physical/virtual) (individual/collective) could help you reflect and plan the next steps in your real-life and future.

This concept game developed for Professor Tom Mctavish's seminar at IIT Chicago contained: a chessboard for strategy development and a scenario planner. A time card for goal setting and time framing tool, and a tracking bracelet as a measurement and motivational tool.

The set aims to help you reflect on your current moment and position and to meditate and plan the next steps in your life. A chessboard on which the user marks the goals to be achieved. The pieces are miniature people symbolizing all those people who are essential in your life. A deck of time cards: 20 years, ten years, one year, eight months. Depending on the time you choose, all the people on your board may vary. And a bracelet that stores time visualization audios.

What initial players said:

The Game

“It can help you imagine the future. It allows you to think about how you could change your body, your health... It also makes you think about how your context evolves and how external factors could also play a role in the evolution of your life”.

“The board could become smart because it would display the data collected by the band. It could become a real data display that would allow you to set motivational steps to reach your goals”.

“The wristband as a contextual tool to give more depth to the cheese game. Chess gives you the visions, the steps, the support, and the obstacles in your decisions. If chess were smart, it could visualize the data from the bracelet”.


"It helped me visualize the space, goal, steps, supports, and obstacles around my decision. "

"It helped me create my life strategy with the people I care about in mind."

"I wouldn't use the chess metaphor strategically because I don't want to beat the other players."

"The figures are people who are in my life now. If I want to move to another country or another state, how would the scenario change, and how would that affect my relationships with those people."


" The cards are different time goals. ( 20 years, ten years, one year, eight months...)."

"It helps me think about the short term and the long term."

"I think it's easier to reflect on something current and closer than to think long term."

"I'm more the type of person who likes to think about time in a linear fashion."

"When I plan my life, I think more in a monthly key. I set my goals monthly."

"I like to think about my life with a long-term lens."

Tracking bracelet

"It helps me track where I am with my goal. I can see if I've met my goal or not."

" It's a way to help me measure my activities."

"I can go back to detailed data, which helps me remember and associate different times in my life."

"It gives you a set of things you're doing, like collecting personal data."

"This tool would give me context."


Lark Finding a new dimension


Behavioral economics