Projects / Archive / My New Normality

My New Normality


On March 9, 2020, MINSA (Panamanian Ministry of Health) announced the first case of COVID-19 in Panama. This 20-minute documentary short film portrays ten stories of people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic in Panama and are finally forced to live on the streets. The new Normality was established. But how is the new Normality for these people? 


Direction and production: Albus Studio

Interviewees: Rubina Perla Méndez ,Elmer Enrique Narváez, Clementacio Moreno Vargas, Manuel Bedoya,  Isidro Dequiac, Marlon Luis Gomez, Gerardo Pinto, Alexander Perez, Marlon Luis Momg, Arturo López Mino, Rodolfo Abraham Nelson.

Script:  Albus Studio. 

Recording and photographing the interviewees: Eduardo Tovar, Juan Eduardo Martinez, Carlos Matute.

Recording and photography of Panama in a pandemic: Eduardo Tovar.

Editing, Assembly and Color Grading: Eduardo Tovar.

Art direction and design: Albus Studio.

Music:  Into Black by Bob Bradley & Thomas Balmforth,  Radar Decay by Pete Davis, Wake The Stars by Philip Guyler.

Screening: Eduardo Tovar, Juan Eduardo Martinez,  Carlos Alberto Matute.

Transcription and Translation:  Briana George , Subtitles:  Eduardo Tovar.

Twitter campaign: Iveth Herrera.

News in order of appearance: International:  FTV News China. (2020, Enero 23) , CNBC News. (2020,Enero 30) Mystery Virus , Euronews. (2020,Enero 27) El Coronavirus sigue extendiéndose., Euronews. (2020, Enero 28) Primer caso en suelo europeo, Antena 3 Noticias. (2020, febrero 25) , NPR News. (2020, Marzo 11 )  Trump Suspends All Travel From Europe For 30 Days To Combat COVID-19, WHO. (2020, Marzo 11 ) WHO characterizes COVID-19 as a pandemic.

Nacional: Ministerio de Salud de Panama. (2020, Marzo 9 ) Panamá confirma primer caso de COVID 19,  TVN Noticias. (2020, Marzo 24) Presidente Cortizo anuncia cuarentena total.  Agencia EFE. (2020, Marzo 25) Calles desiertas en el primer día de cuarentena total en Panamá por COVID-19.  CNN en Español. (2020, Abril 1) Presidente de Panamá pide a la región unidad contra el coronavirus. Eco Tv Panama. (2020, Marzo 17) COVID-19 golpea actividades económicas de Panamá y del mundo | En Contexto. (2020, Julio 18)  Tasa de desempleo en Panamá podría aumentar de 14 a 20% a causa de la pandemia.  TVN Noticias. (2020, Julio 19) Indigencia y COVID-19 una combinación letal.

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER:  The content displayed in the short film below is the property of its author (s), and therefore it is protected by Law No. 64 of October 10, 2012, the Berne Convention and other treaties on the Right of Author and Intellectual Property at international level. Any form of distribution, duplication, reproduction, adaptation, modification or sale (total or partial) of the content of this short film for commercial use is strictly prohibited, without the written and expressed authorization of the author (s). The opposite will be understood as an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights, both civil and criminal.  

This documentary was made on the assigned days and under all the sanitary protocol recommended by the National Authorities. None of the participants or team was exposed. All those interviewed in the documentary signed an informed consent and were paid for being filmed and telling their story. Cisne Negro Media is not responsible or connected to actions, comments or relationships that any of its collaborators maintain. 

The facts, opinions and points of view expressed by the author (s) of this short film are his alone, and do not have to coincide with the policy, ideas, intentions, plans, strategies, or official position of any body, business , company, organization, service, or person.  All the information and data that we provide are purely informative and non-profit. The author is not responsible for its accuracy, updating or validity, and therefore is exempt from all responsibility derived from its incorrectness, omission, lack of updating or delay, as well as any loss, or damage that its use or exposure could cause by third parties (authorized or not). 

This documentary includes excerpts from news, whose authors and sources have been expressly cited in this video, and which have been given a legitimate use and allowed in good faith according to articles 71, numeral 2 and 74 of Law No. 64 of 10 of October 2012 and equally recognized in international legislation, so they do not constitute any violation or ignorance of their copyright. 

Footage used under license from Videos ID´s: 1040601746, 1048505332, 1048916443, 16187530, 1019437876, 1023697372, 1050195718, 1051351792, 18769574, 17497837, 1054984898, 34787122, 26771740, 1050983065, 1047328813, 1032210956, 1027238474, 1022787751, 1006896475

© Albus Studio Media 2020. This work is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0


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